Monday, May 31, 2010

The Incredible Iris

My husband and I went to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum the other weekend. Although it happened to be one of the hottest days of the spring (90*+ and humid), we still managed to be plant geeks.

One of the gardens we particularly enjoyed was the Iris Collection. Here are pics of my favorite ones, all German bearded iris (Iris germanica). I'm still kicking myself for not having anything to write down the names - they were quite creative. Enjoy the pics, and none of the colors have been altered! (p.s. the above pic is an unknown iris in our yard that was a gift.)

(this one fell over, but I loved the colors)


  1. hmm this is the type of plant we have by our garage! They are purple and white and it seems like we have 1000 of them. I want to move some of them to the front of the does one go about doing that??

  2. Irises are easily split. Wait until fall to do this. Cut the leaves of an entire plant to one foot tall in a fan shape, like a wide upside-down V. Use a shovel to gently lift up the plants. The corms (long bulb-like roots) can be pulled apart easily. There will be long thin roots on the corm. Keep as many as possible. When you transplant your new little iris, plant it so that half of the corm is above the ground. This is very important! - it'll rot if it's completely buried. Give it a good drink and some fall fertilizer, and you're good to go!

  3. awesome! I will be trying that this fall :) I am glad I know a gardener :)
