Tuesday, December 11, 2012


So after I went into my Picasa album and deleted a bunch of unnecessary folders and photo multiples, I'm down to using a mere 19.05% of my allotted memory! Woohoo! Expect a new post full of (smaller resolution) photos soon!

Monday, December 10, 2012

So much for that idea

Well, I was going to share some photos with you now that I have finally broken free of my blogospheric black hole, but apparently I am "currently using 100% of [my] 1 GB quota for photos" according to the Google-Picasa-Blogger Triumvirate. And I'm too cheap to buy more memory.

This is especially frustrating since I had a good idea for the next few posts all thought out and I am actually motivated to put them together, unlike the last three or four months of blogging drought.

So, I am going to figure out what to do now. I know a good number of my photos are high resolution/pixel count which I'm sure is what's taking up the space. Is there a way to go back and reduce the resolution? But, man, that would take a long time: figuring out which of the multiple photos I used in every post, making a lower resolution copy of every one of those photos on my hard drive, going through every post and switching out every photo...ugh.

I am also entertaining the possibility of changing to a different blog host, with some kind of link to the posts here on Blogger. Since this thought is something that just came to me while typing, it will require some more research.

Do any of you have any suggestions about what to do? Is it possible/realistic to reduce existing photo resolution? What other blogging sites would you suggest I check out?

I never thought I would use 1 GB of memory so quickly. :(