Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Ice-Capades

All of Minnesota had been bracing for the storm. Timing and snow amounts varied widely, but we knew it was coming. Snowplows were out hours, even days, ahead of the storm to salt and sand the roads. Local weathermen constantly updated various warnings and advisories all across the state. Schools - most schools, anyway - were at the ready to notify parents and news stations of late starts and closings. Even the container gardening seminar I am registered to attend that was scheduled for the morning after the storm (which was today) was postponed until next week. Everyone was expecting snow, and a lot of it.

But it rained.

For hours, the rain came down just like you would expect in April or May. As the evening progressed, we watched surfaces transform from wet to crunchy and finally to ice. At least a half inch (2.5 cm) of ice covered everything.

Then the rain changed to snow.

In the morning we were greeted with a winter wonderland - or nightmare, depending on your point of view.

Everything is encased in ice, but I am going to focus on the plants, because plants covered in ice are prettier than roads covered in ice.

Our Silver Maple (Acer sacharinum) already has flower buds
ready to go thanks to our unusually mild winter.

The weight of the ice is bending tree and shrub branches.

The end of this branch is normally at head-level. It is now dragging on the ground.

'White Dome' Hydrangea that were standing straight up yesterday.

Snow and ice laden winter decorations.

Our hill of Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is thoroughly flattened.

The bird feeders also didn't make it through the storm unscathed.

The birds can only eat on one side of the feeder!

I'm not sure how long the ice will stay. The temperature is hovering around 35*F / 2*C and the trees were raining on me as I was taking these pictures. I'm sure most people will be glad to see the ice disappear. But since I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to go anywhere today, I will enjoy the crystalline beauty from my window while it lasts.

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