Saturday, July 30, 2011

Colorful Coleus

Is there any plant more versatile than coleus? Available in every color of the rainbow, every leaf shape (wide, narrow, lobed, crinkly, corrugated, take your pick!), multiple growth habits (tall, filler, short, trailing), and every color combination the coleus breeders' imaginations can cook up, there is a coleus for every design, location, and light requirement. Yes, coleus are not just for shade anymore. In fact, some actually need to be in the sun in order to bring out the most vivid colors. The photos below are examples of coleus I've found perform best in part-sun or full sun.

'Big Red Judy'
sun brings out the yellow edge

sun makes the orange more vivid and brings out the purple veination

'Fishnet Stockings'
sun brings out the lime green

'Indian Summer'
color contrasts are more distinct when in the sun

'Religious Radish'
sun intensifies and widens the fuchsia edge

There are still plenty of coleus for your shady spots. As a rule, the King Kong coleus (perhaps the best plant name ever) are shade plants. Again, these are the cultivars I've had the most success with in the shade.

*Note: when planting shade coleus, take care how deep you plant them. When soil is left too high on the stems, they will rot out. Few things are as disappointing as when your lovely, bushy coleus falls over from stem rot and leaves a gaping void in your annual container.

'King Kong Rose' (green, yellow, pink),
unknown green variety - possibly 'Life Lime' or 'Limelight'

'Pineapple Splash' (L), 'Black Dragon' (R)

'Amora' (green and peach), 'Strawberry Drop' (green, yellow, pink)

'Dipt in Wine'

With all the genetic manipulation going on to create the myriad of coleus color combinations, you would think the flower would change in the process. They don't. Not even a bit. Every coleus flower is always the same.

Personally, I've never been a fan of coleus flowers. They seem...stringy, and an ungainly detraction from the foliage. But that's just my personal preference; lots of people like coleus flowers, and that's just fine. Recently, I made an unexpected and pleasant discovery that, in my opinion, is a perfect and unique use for coleus flowers. We don't have a flagpole, but we wanted to show some patriotism for the Fourth of July. So we got some small American flags and stuck them in the annual containers flanking our porch steps. As the coleus sent up more flowers, I discovered that the flowers look like fireworks!

'Kingswood Torch'
sun widens and intensifies the fuchsia center

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feathers and Fluff

It is amazing just how much wildlife I get to see while gardening. Here is just a sample of the critters I hang around with...or who hang around me.

Chickadee leisurely eating our super hollyhock seeds.

Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of a hummingbird?! Sometimes they fly, ahem, zoom right past my head and scare me half to death.

My mosquito control.

 I don't know what kind of caterpillars these are, but I love how fuzzy they are.
Update: Feb 11, 2012. I have since found out what these guys are: Milkweed Tussock Caterpillars (Euchaetes egle), and they become Milkweed Tussock Moths. It seems rather disappointing that such a crazy looking caterpillar becomes something so....ordinary.


 Although he has awesome camouflage, this caterpillar doesn't quite know how to blend in.

I love tree frogs! This is my wallpaper right now.

Did I mention I love tree frogs?

 and leopard frogs!

 The reason I have to use Liquid Fence. It's such a shame something so cute causes so much damage.

  I know it's hard to see, but there's a turkey in full fan in the center of this photo. One of my clients is in a wooded area, so I get to enjoy watching the turkeys in the spring and fall.

Why hello! This guy was sunning himself on my windshield.

I just followed this swallowtail around as he flitted among the Monarda.

  This sleepy bee is resting after gorging himself on the roses.

 Katydid or katydidn't?

 This cute little guy wasn't at a client's house, but I wanted to include him. I was sitting on a park bench and he hopped right up to me. Zoom was not needed.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Height of Summer

Sorry to have fallen off the grid for a while. Work is keeping me very busy, which is very good, but also very exhausting. I hope to blog some more when things calm down.

The weather has been quite the roller coaster ride. After a few days of high 90s with equally high humidity, we dropped back into mid 70s with clouds and spotty rain for a week. Then Friday was a veritable monsoon. Now we get to enjoy an entire week of high 90s and high humidity again. Most of the state is under an excessive heat warning since the heat indexes are expected to be near 110 degrees. (and people don't believe it ever gets hot in Minnesota!) I'm not even checking the weather reports anymore. My forecast: oppressive with a 100% chance of miserable. The AC is working overtime and it feels like you walk into a wall when you dare to open you door. And I get to work in it. Granted, it'll most likely be half-days - I'm not that
crazy. So it goes when you have an obligation to your clients.

But I'm still not looking forward to it.